HATCH Series no. 4 | Invented Traditions

+ About the Work

In this age of globalized cultural exchanges and blurred boundaries, frameworks that defined histories and cultures are challenged. My practice is conceptually driven by my physical and cultural displacement; defined through movements from, between, and within my multi-cultural experiences. My art training in both Pakistan and the United States has activated a mapping of my cultural hybridity to question the essence for a site of belonging. The motifs, sites, and references I use are that of the body, spoken and visual language, notions of the institution, and the public. The referential nature of my work questions the insider and outsider status of the artist, subject, and viewer.

Within 'Oasis', found imagery from sites such as was used to renegiotate the conception of the suburbian American dream. The inflatable pool commodity is used to mark the movement, markets, and cultural conceptions/misconceptions between east and west and seeks to embody the canon of representational landscape. The blanket mimics the market of exotic landscape tapestries/products that are readily available online and ornate the homes within the United States. The collage was sent to an online printing service company called, ‘Shutterfly’ to reproduce this weave in Middle America; another extension of the dissemination through the virtual-scape.



Umber Majeed (b. New York, 1989) is a multidisciplinary visual artist. She completed her MFA from Parsons the New School for Design in 2016 and graduated from Beaconhouse National University in Lahore, Pakistan in 2013. Majeed has shown in venues across Pakistan, North America, and Europe.
