HATCH Series No. 2 | Between the Concrete

+ About the Work

Yinte explores the future for wearable technology, but with a twist. Wearable technology, as we think of it today, is about wearing physical technology- gadgets. But as we shift into the social age, we have to rethink how our physical identities connects to our virtual ones.
Yinte uses computer vision and a simple pattern to produce wearable digital technology. As our identities become fluid in the social age, photos and images become integral in expressing our identities. Yinte relies on this phenomenon. By thinking about how the physical exists in the virtual, Yinte reimagines wearable technology.
Today, the Yinte brand exists as clothing and its accompanying website:

HATCH Series No. 3 | RE: Design

+ About the Work

Babycastles Living is a virtual reality exhibition designed around furniture objects by Pinkhouse, accompanied by games that celebrate home furnishings and personal space.
"Ride the Caterpillar" designed by James Orlando, developed by Prashat Thapan. Breakable lunar plates by Anjali Chandrashekar. Pinkhouse is a multidisciplinary design studio founded by Lukas Bentel, Jian Shen Tan, and Kevin Wiesner, of creative studio Hello Velocity


Hello Velocity is a creative house based in New York and works out of the New Museum's incubator program, New Inc. It was founded by Lukas Bentel, JS Tan, and Kevin Wiesner.

Hello Velocity builds brave, strange, and engaging experiences. We work to create singular, innovative, campaigns and fast moving brands.

In addition to our client work, Hello Velocity operates as an autonomous practice, creating and publicizing experimental brands and companies. These projects, Bitelabs, McMass, and Yinte, among others, work across a variety of media and subject matter as speculation, commentary, and criticism.


Instagram: @hellovelocity